San Francisco Bay Area / East Bay / Tri Valley Mobile Fingerprinting Services
Bay Area Live Scan & FBI Ink Fingerprinting
Redtomatoes P3Digitix Bay Area Live Scan Fingerprinting services provides, both Mobile Live Scan fingerprinting and fingerprinting at our Oakland office location in East Bay. We are certified by California Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal bureau of Investigation (FBI). We guarantee excellent quality and reliable technology which line up to the performance requirements and high accuracy Live Scan fingerprinting solutions throughout Bay Area California. We are a proud local Oakland San Francisco Bay Area fingerprinting company.

Our Live Scan fingerprinting techs provides service to a wide variety of individuals that are required to provide criminal background information prior to being licensed or employed in the State of California including: Real Estate Licensees, Notaries, Vehicle salespersons, vehicle dealers, driving instructors, or any other vehicle industry related occupation licensed by DMV, Foster Parents, Stock Brokers, Teachers, Appraisers, Elder Care Givers, as well as anyone having contact with children or the elderly, Security Guards, etc. We provide fast, efficient and professional fingerprinting services. Our Mobile Live Scan unit will come to your location to provide on-site services customized for your Employees.